Solving Canada’s Biggest Challenge

APPe Nik develops smart applications to help solve Canada’s biggest challenges such as our health crisis and to avoid literacy. Our In-app innovations provide solutions for social, economic, environmental, educational, health, business, and green jobs.


We build and also offer software engineering services. We apply engineering principles and knowledge of programming languages to build software solutions that meet the needs and expectations of our customers.


We are an experienced team of twelve professionals working together on various types of projects, from web applications to mobile apps, from desktop software to embedded systems. We are committed to delivering high-quality software products that are reliable, secure, and user-friendly.

Why Companies Should Partner With APPe Nik inc.?

  1. Establish global exposure, and “Brand Reinforcement” through exclusive promotions. [Only one company of each type. Some conditions may apply]
  2. To express support for companies in the planning stages that potentially create applications for solving problems.
  3.  To bring fresh innovations to life that might not have happened otherwise.
  4.  Establish a new revenue stream and expansion by making your services available to every child on the planet. [By implementing international studies].
  5. Support global employment, green jobs, and environmental protection.
  6. Reinforce instructional framework from early education.
  7. Demonstrate your support for giving back to your community.

APPe Nik inc.