
APPe Nik develops smart applications to help solve Canada’s and the world’s biggest challenges. In App innovative solutions for economic, environmental, educational, health, business, and social.

We build and also offer software engineering services. We apply engineering principles and knowledge of programming languages to build software solutions that meet the needs and expectations of our customers.

We are an experienced team working together on various types of projects, from web applications to mobile apps, from desktop software to embedded systems. We are committed to delivering high-quality software products that are reliable, secure, and user-friendly.

The Birth of APPe Nik inc.

APPe Nik creates smart educational applications for everyday use. Our products are designed to assist in overcoming challenges. We strive to deliver solutions that are simple, efficient, and beneficial to the world.

We develop software for a variety of platforms, including mobile devices, iPads, tablets, web browsers, and desktop PCs. The APPe Nik sector is a fast-paced and competitive one, with ongoing innovation and a high need for new and enhanced apps.

Our first application, “Dig in My Roots’ official launch is March 16, 2024. The “Dig in My Roots APP” focuses on education for youngsters as early as toddlers because this is a crucial stage
in the development of children’s cognitive, social, emotional, and physical skills. Toddlers are curious, active, and eager
to learn about the world around them. They need a stimulating and supportive environment that fosters their natural curiosity
and creativity. Education for toddlers should provide opportunities for exploration, play, discovery, and interaction with
peers and adults. It should also help toddlers develop language, literacy, numeracy, and problem-solving skills that will
prepare them for future learning.

We are not only a company that develops applications, but also a platform that connects young adults with computer skills to our remote job opportunities. Whether you have experience in data creation or other areas, you can find opportunities to work from anywhere in the world and earn an income. Our mission is to reduce poverty by empowering people with technology and education.